Do you want to easily share information (video, image, text, file, etc.) with Rainbow users? Create your own Channel and manage your communication in Rainbow. No more need for other tools or e-mail...
Create a Channel
Do you want to create your first Channel? Let us guide you!
- Go to Channel space clicking on the " Information channels" in the left menu.
- Once you are in the Channel space, click on "Create" in the right side of the top banner to start the creation.
- Choose a category, a name and a subject for your Channel. These information will be very usefull to present your content to the future subscribers.
- Define a picture for your new Channel clicking on "Change Avatar". Here you can upload a picture from your computer or choose a picture from an online library. Validate your choice with the link "Use this Avatar".
- Click on "Next" to confirm the general information of your Channel.
- Define the audience of your Channel. Lean more
- Select the people you want to invite to subscribe to your Channel then click on "Create" to complete the configuration. You can only invite people who match your audience choice.
- Your new Channel is now, display on the right panel of the Channel space.
- Go to Channel space clicking on the " Channels".
- Click on "+ Create channel".
- Choose a category, a name and a subject for your Channel. These information will be very usefull to present your content to the future subscribers.
- Click " Edit" to change the avatar. Here you can choose an image from your phone photo or album.
- Click on "Next" to confirm the general information of your Channel.
- Define the audience of your Channel. Lean more
- Select the people you want to invite to the channel. You can also find them by typing their name in the search bar.
- Click on " Create" to complete the configuration. You can only invite people who match your audience choice.
- Your new Channel is now, you can find your channels in " My channels".
Tips: Adding an avatar, a name and a description will make users more willing to subscribe to your content. Users will be able to filter Channels by category, this field is therefore also very important!
Define your Channel Audience
When you create a Channel, you have a wide range of possibilities to manage your Channel's audience These settings affect the way users can access it. The following table present the different possibilities:
Open Channel:
Any member of your Company can view and subscribe to the Channel. You can also invite users, to help them to find your Channel and thus increase the number of subscribers. -
Private Channel:
Channel can only be joined by your colleagues through an invitation. Only invited people can consult it, they can unsubscribe at any time. -
Restricted Channel:
People you will choose will automatically be subscribed to this Channel. They won't be able to unsubscribe!
Note: The rights to create "Restricted Channels" is managed by your Company Administrator. Feel free to contact him for more details.
Open Channel:
Any Rainbow users can view and subscribe to the Channel. You can also invite users, to help them to find your Channel and thus increase the number of subscribers. -
Private Channel:
Channel can only be joined through an invitation. Only invited people can consult it, they can unsubscribe at any time.
Note: The rights to create a Channel "To all Rainbow users" is managed by your Company Administrator. Feel free to contact him for more details.
Modify Channel
Owner of the channel can change the category, name, avatar and description of the channel.
- Go to Channel space clicking on the " Information channels" in the left menu.
- Select a channel and open " Settings".
- Click on " Modify".
- When you are done editing, click "Apply".
Note: Once the channel is created, the audience cannot be changed.