Configure your Audio and Video Device
- Select " Audio configuration" icon at the top left of the main window (the icon is given as an example and corresponds to the use of the connected headset).
- Select the available device to use as " Camera". The video is displayed to test the device.
- Select the available device to use as " Microphone". The microphone reception level is represented by an active status bar when the microphone is active.
- Select the available device to use as " Speaker". Test your device by clicking on "Play sound" button.
- Activate or deactivate noise reduction by checking or unchecking "Activate noise reduction" box. This option enhances audio quality by minimizing background disturbances.
- If the camera is active, you can customize the video background using blur effects (two levels of blur) and/or environments to maintain privacy (activate 'Mirror mode' to flip the background image)
- Select "Background" within the video test frame and choose an option.
- Click on the "Close" button (or on the X in the window) to return to the previous window.
Push to Talk
When this option is enabled, your microphone is only activated when you press on a shortcut key.
- Select " Audio configuration" icon at the top left of the main window (the icon is given as an example and corresponds to the use of the connected headset).
- In the section "PUSH TO TALK", enable the option by checking the "Enable Push to Talk" box.
- Define the "Activation delay" (delay between pressing the key and the microphone being activated).
- Define the shortcut by selecting a key on your keyboard.
- Click on the "Close" button (or on the X in the window) to return to the previous window.
How to use the Push to Talk option
You can use the push to talk option during your Web Calls, Web Conferences or Phone Calls.
- During conversation, mute the microphone.
- Press and hold the defined shortcut key to activate the microphone. The microphone is muted as soon as you release the shortcut key.